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2024-2025 Spring Camp Open for Registration

Opus Academy Spring Camps are now open for registration!

Spring Break is quickly approaching! To make the best of your Spring break, Opus Academy is offering three rich and high-quality academic spring camp programs that will help students grow and prepare well for the future during your Spring Break! Interested parents are welcome to inquire 👍👍

📢Opus Academy 春假课程报名开启!🚀让你的春假充满收获!

亲爱的家长和同学们,春假即将到来,你是否想要让这段时间既充实又有意义?Opus Academy 春假课程为你提供丰富且高质量的学术课程,让你在春假的时间里收获成长、为未来做好充分准备!


Academic Camp Schedules:

Session 1: March 17-21
Session 2: March 24-28

Performing Arts CampAcademic CampTest Preparation Camp
9:30-12:00PMSpeech & Drama*EnglishSAT or SSAT
1:00-3:00PMMusical Theatre & VoiceSTEMSAT or SSAT
* Also available from 4:00-6:30PM for those that can not make the morning session.

Debate Camp Schedules:

Jumpstart Your U.S. Style Debate Journey with HDC’s Intensive Winter Camp!

Partnering with the Harvard Debate Council’s seasoned coaches, our winter intensive camps offers U.S. debate styles perfect for beginner, intermediate and advanced debaters. Get ready to hone your argumentation skills and think like a true debater!


Opus与 Harvard 辩论委员会的资深教练合作,合办辩论冬令营,提供5-12年级各级别的美国辩论培训。准备好磨练你的辩论思维,像真正的选手一样辩论吧!

Session: March 17-28 (2 weeks)

Debate Styles/Schedules:

Debate StylePublic Speaking & ArgumentationPublic ForumPolicy Debate
Age GroupGr.6 and UpGr.6 and UpGr.9 and Up